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Szanowni Państwo,
przekazujemy zaproszenie na konferencję od naszych Partnerów z Turcji. Serdecznie zachęcamy do udziału.

“5th International Research Congress on Social Sciences (USOBAK) will be held in Ankara on October 26-27, 2021, hosted by Hacı Bayram Veli University School of Banking and Insurance, in cooperation with the Turkish Cooperatives Institution, in Memory of Yunus Emre and Turkish Language- Journal of Anatolian Cultural Studies, Turkish Language Association, Ankara Hacı Bayram Veli University, and Gazi University. The Congress will be held Online with Remote Access due to the Pandemic conditions.

I suggest you to examine the web page of the congress whose details are given. Your participation will honor us. The congress is free of charge for those who will attend from outside of Turkey. If you have problems in sending abstracts via the web page, you can send it to the congress e-mail address.It will suffice to submit the Summary of your work. The abstract must contain the names and surnames, country names and e-mail addresses of the authors.

Congress Abstracts and Proceedings publication languages are Turkish and English.
Congress presentation languages are Turkish and Other Turkish Dialects, English and Arabic.

Congress web site:
Congress mail:

Thank you for your interest and participation. See you at face-to-face congresses.
Best Regards
Prof. Dr. Turhan Çetin, Gazi University
Adnan Ucur, University of Karabuk (UNIKA)


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