Wizytacja w ramach programu Erasmus+ z Turcji!
Powiślańska Szkoła Wyższa miała przyjemność gościć w progach swojej uczelni pracownika z Karabuk University, specjalizujący się w Marketingu i Reklamie.
Przedstawiciel partnerskiej uczelni zwiedził dwie siedziby uczelni, w Kwidzynie oraz w Gdańsku. Nie ominęły go także inne aktywności kulturowe.
Dzięki wymianie doświadczeń już teraz mamy chętnych aplikantów oraz aplikantki na wyjazdy mobilnościowe do Turcji.
Serdecznie zapraszamy do składania formularzy zgłoszeniowych na adres: internationaloffice@psw.kwidzyn.edu.pl
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Udział wykładowców z zagranicy w prowadzeniu zajęć w Powiślańskiej Szkole Wyższej stale wzrasta, gdyż zajęcia w języku angielskim cieszą się coraz większym zainteresowaniem studentów. Uczelnia na stałe współpracuje z następującymi wykładowcami z zagranicy:
- prof. dr hab. Jan Konturek, dyrektor kliniki chorób wewnętrznych, gastroenterologii, chorób metabolicznych i chorób zakaźnych Elbe Kliniken, Staade, Niemcy „Gastroenterologia – wczoraj i dziś"
- mgr inż. Oscar Santamaria-Hernandez – "Business economics", "Continuous Improvement";
- mgr inż. Oscar Santamaria-Hernandez – "Business economics", "Continuous Improvement";
Dodatkowo w ramach programu Erasmus+ wykładowcy z zagranicy zrealizowali następujące zajęcia:
1.prof. dr. Ledina Hoxha, Field of Economic, European University of Tirana, Albania, "Monetary policy in Albania"
2.prof. dr Nino Svanidze, Faculty of physics mathematics and computer sciences/department of Mathematics, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia, "Confines and isolecines"
3.prof. dr Gjylbehare Murati, Law department, University Haxi Zeka, Kosovo, "Human rights and their aplications"
4.prof. dr Leonel Matar, Faculty of business, University Saint Joseph, Lebanon, "Competitive advantage of companies. Lebanon and UE- comparison"
5.dr Dragan Calovic, Faculty of culture and media, Hohn Naisbitt University, Serbia, "Micro politics of welfare: The approach of HAAS and HAHN."
6.dr Goran Lalić, Faculty of Geoeconomics, John Naisbitt University, Serbia, "Mexico's dependence on oil in the 20h century. The Development of the oil sector and the greatest challenges."
7.dr Ranka Mitrović, Faculty of Business studies, John Naisbitt Univeristy, Serbia "SMEs in Poland and Serbia- sources of financing"
8.dr Olena Horbunova, Faculty of Business and Trade, Poltlava ,Ukraine, "Pension provision in Ukraine : the current state and directions of further reform"
9.dr Kseniia Verhal, Faculty of Business and Trade, Poltlava ,Ukraine, "Horizontal integration of trade enterprises"
10.mgr Liucija Uboniene, Faculty of Economics, Siauliu Valsybine Kolegija, Lithuania, „Znak firmowy jako identyfikacja produktu w marketingu-Mix przedsiębiorstwa"
11.dr Tatjana Cvetković, Ana Langović, Violeta Cvetkovska Tomanović, Faculty of Economics, Megatrend University, Serbia, "The role of internationalization and bologna process in the republic of Serbia human capital development".
12. dr Vadije Kadiu, Department of Finance and Economic , European University of Tirana, "External sources of companies financing and their importance"
13. prof. dr Raymond Bou Nader, Business/IGE, Saint Joseph University , Lebanon, "Lean Management"
14. prof. dr Nizar Hariri, Faculty of Economics, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon, "Market balance"
15. dr Jelena Vemic Djurković, Economic department, Educons University , Serbia, "Aspect of the technological progress impact on employment process - global trends"
16. mgr Kobiljon Valiev, Department of English languages and literature, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan, "English for different kind of studies – case ctudy English / Nursing"
17. dr Ornela Vladi, Department of finance and economics, European Univeristy of Tirana, Albania, "Finacial results and their characteristics"
18. prof. dr Gjylbehare Murati, Faculty of Law, University of Haxi Zeka,Kosovo, "Importance of economic law"
19. mgr Amar Belhadia, Faculty of Economics, Chlef University, Algeria "How to teach business English"
20. prof. dr Mohamed Abidi, Faculty of Economic, University of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria, "Costs of production".
21. dr Goghar Voskanyan, Agro-business and Economic department , Armenian National Agrarian University, Armenia, "Challenges connected with introduction of agricultural insurance in RA"
22. mgr Kamran Valizada, Social Sciences, Nakchivan State University ,Azerbaijan, "Multiculturalism and national identity in Azerbaijan"
23. mgr Zerina Novalic, Faculty of Management, IBU, Bosnia and Herzegovina, "Human Resources Managment- methods and instruments."
24. mgr Ajdić Mekić, Faculty of Economic, IBU, Bosnia and Herzegowina, "Taxes policy versus monetary policy"
25. prof. dr Venkata Jayakrishna prof. dr Kishor Sonti, Electronics and communication engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, India, "Economical Implications of artificial intelligence in the society"
26. prof. dr Jayabalan Karthikeyan, Electronics and communication engineering, Sathyabama University, Indie, "In-silico docking and biological evaluation of substituted chalcones as tubulin inhibitors and anticancer agents"
27. prof. dr Abdallah Atieh, Faulty of Business/Department of account, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan, "Predicting Future Operating Cash Flows in Jordanian Commercial Banks by Using Fair Value Accounting"
28. prof. dr Abou Karaki Najib, Envirpmental eng. Department, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan, "Monitoring of Dead Sea environmental degradation. Can Science Save the Dead Sea?"
29. dr Yazun Jarrar, Pharmacy, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan, "The Cardiotoxicity of Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs: The Role of Arachidonic Acid-Metabolizing Cytochrome P450s"
30. dr Sabiha Shala, Faculty of Nursing, Univeristy of Haxi Zeka, Kosovo, "Modern methods of patients care"
31. Mimoza Hyseni Spahiu, Faculty of Tourism, Univeristy of Haxi Zeka, Kosovo, "Tourism in Kosovo- advantages and disadvantages"
32. dr Ludmila Coada, Political and communication sciences, Free International University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova, "The importance of negotiations"
33. dr Svetlana Mihic, Faculty of economic, Educons University , Serbia, "Macroeconomic measurement of the economy"
34. mgr Jovana Kisin, Faculty of economic, Educons University , Serbia, "Possibilities for economic prosperity with application of the smart city concept"
35. dr Oleksandra Kuzmenko, International scientific education center, Potlava University, Ukraine, "International exchange as the instrument of intenationalization"
36. dr Sharifjon Nematjonov, Department of English languages, Namangan state University, Uzbekistan, "Innovative methods of teaching in English"
37. dr Jelena Grujić, Educons University, Serbia, "The Prosperity of the therapeutic community model in psychoactive substances dependence treatment"
2.prof. dr Nino Svanidze, Faculty of physics mathematics and computer sciences/department of Mathematics, Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University, Georgia, "Confines and isolecines"
3.prof. dr Gjylbehare Murati, Law department, University Haxi Zeka, Kosovo, "Human rights and their aplications"
4.prof. dr Leonel Matar, Faculty of business, University Saint Joseph, Lebanon, "Competitive advantage of companies. Lebanon and UE- comparison"
5.dr Dragan Calovic, Faculty of culture and media, Hohn Naisbitt University, Serbia, "Micro politics of welfare: The approach of HAAS and HAHN."
6.dr Goran Lalić, Faculty of Geoeconomics, John Naisbitt University, Serbia, "Mexico's dependence on oil in the 20h century. The Development of the oil sector and the greatest challenges."
7.dr Ranka Mitrović, Faculty of Business studies, John Naisbitt Univeristy, Serbia "SMEs in Poland and Serbia- sources of financing"
8.dr Olena Horbunova, Faculty of Business and Trade, Poltlava ,Ukraine, "Pension provision in Ukraine : the current state and directions of further reform"
9.dr Kseniia Verhal, Faculty of Business and Trade, Poltlava ,Ukraine, "Horizontal integration of trade enterprises"
10.mgr Liucija Uboniene, Faculty of Economics, Siauliu Valsybine Kolegija, Lithuania, „Znak firmowy jako identyfikacja produktu w marketingu-Mix przedsiębiorstwa"
11.dr Tatjana Cvetković, Ana Langović, Violeta Cvetkovska Tomanović, Faculty of Economics, Megatrend University, Serbia, "The role of internationalization and bologna process in the republic of Serbia human capital development".
12. dr Vadije Kadiu, Department of Finance and Economic , European University of Tirana, "External sources of companies financing and their importance"
13. prof. dr Raymond Bou Nader, Business/IGE, Saint Joseph University , Lebanon, "Lean Management"
14. prof. dr Nizar Hariri, Faculty of Economics, Saint Joseph University, Lebanon, "Market balance"
15. dr Jelena Vemic Djurković, Economic department, Educons University , Serbia, "Aspect of the technological progress impact on employment process - global trends"
16. mgr Kobiljon Valiev, Department of English languages and literature, Namangan State University, Uzbekistan, "English for different kind of studies – case ctudy English / Nursing"
17. dr Ornela Vladi, Department of finance and economics, European Univeristy of Tirana, Albania, "Finacial results and their characteristics"
18. prof. dr Gjylbehare Murati, Faculty of Law, University of Haxi Zeka,Kosovo, "Importance of economic law"
19. mgr Amar Belhadia, Faculty of Economics, Chlef University, Algeria "How to teach business English"
20. prof. dr Mohamed Abidi, Faculty of Economic, University of Tizi-Ouzou, Algeria, "Costs of production".
21. dr Goghar Voskanyan, Agro-business and Economic department , Armenian National Agrarian University, Armenia, "Challenges connected with introduction of agricultural insurance in RA"
22. mgr Kamran Valizada, Social Sciences, Nakchivan State University ,Azerbaijan, "Multiculturalism and national identity in Azerbaijan"
23. mgr Zerina Novalic, Faculty of Management, IBU, Bosnia and Herzegovina, "Human Resources Managment- methods and instruments."
24. mgr Ajdić Mekić, Faculty of Economic, IBU, Bosnia and Herzegowina, "Taxes policy versus monetary policy"
25. prof. dr Venkata Jayakrishna prof. dr Kishor Sonti, Electronics and communication engineering, Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, India, "Economical Implications of artificial intelligence in the society"
26. prof. dr Jayabalan Karthikeyan, Electronics and communication engineering, Sathyabama University, Indie, "In-silico docking and biological evaluation of substituted chalcones as tubulin inhibitors and anticancer agents"
27. prof. dr Abdallah Atieh, Faulty of Business/Department of account, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan, "Predicting Future Operating Cash Flows in Jordanian Commercial Banks by Using Fair Value Accounting"
28. prof. dr Abou Karaki Najib, Envirpmental eng. Department, Al-Hussein Bin Talal University, Jordan, "Monitoring of Dead Sea environmental degradation. Can Science Save the Dead Sea?"
29. dr Yazun Jarrar, Pharmacy, Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan, Jordan, "The Cardiotoxicity of Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs: The Role of Arachidonic Acid-Metabolizing Cytochrome P450s"
30. dr Sabiha Shala, Faculty of Nursing, Univeristy of Haxi Zeka, Kosovo, "Modern methods of patients care"
31. Mimoza Hyseni Spahiu, Faculty of Tourism, Univeristy of Haxi Zeka, Kosovo, "Tourism in Kosovo- advantages and disadvantages"
32. dr Ludmila Coada, Political and communication sciences, Free International University of Moldova, Republic of Moldova, "The importance of negotiations"
33. dr Svetlana Mihic, Faculty of economic, Educons University , Serbia, "Macroeconomic measurement of the economy"
34. mgr Jovana Kisin, Faculty of economic, Educons University , Serbia, "Possibilities for economic prosperity with application of the smart city concept"
35. dr Oleksandra Kuzmenko, International scientific education center, Potlava University, Ukraine, "International exchange as the instrument of intenationalization"
36. dr Sharifjon Nematjonov, Department of English languages, Namangan state University, Uzbekistan, "Innovative methods of teaching in English"
37. dr Jelena Grujić, Educons University, Serbia, "The Prosperity of the therapeutic community model in psychoactive substances dependence treatment"