Executive Master of Business Administration (MBA)
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Graduate study, 3 semesters 1800 hours, including 930 with direct participation of an academic teacher, 60 ECTS Stationary/part-time mode Cost: 13.600 PLN - 2990,64 euro (as of 8.07.21) |
1. Learning aim.
The main goal of the MBA study programme is to develop the mindset of an entrepreneur who is creative, able to take risks and manage the unknown with confidence. By joining the course you become a more reflective, self-aware and strategic member of a general manegement team. Gained knowledge enables to create new value for your organisation and discover more career options.
2. Profile of the applicant.
This programme is adequate for people who seek new business exeperiences, want to improve their skills and grow as a leader with unique attitude and mindest. MBA is designet for high-potential managers, people with experience working at senior management positions, owners of medium and big private businesses and people aspiring to become top executives. Applicant must have at least 8 years of professional experience, including 5 years working as a manager.
3. Graduate profile.
MBA studies are created in order to develop tools and leadership skills needed for successfully manage innovative projects and programmes in business. You will aquire skills in a wide range of creativity and innovation processes and techniques in terms of strategic management and human resources. You will always be ready to make difficult decisions and will not fear risks related to enterpreneurship. You will have an excellent understanding of financial analysis and key macro- and microeconomics issues applicable to effective management. Explore cost theory and management models, learn more about legal aspects of managerial decisions, including administrative, labour and anti-trust law. As a graduate you will be excellent prepared for business public speaking and will be able to create your own personal brand as an effective entrepreneurial leader.
Strategic Partner:
1. Poltava University of Economics and Trade, Ukraine
2. Hassiba Benbouali University, Algeria
3. Educons University, Serbia
4. Armenian State University of Economics, Armenia
5. Polytechnic of Rijeka, Croatia
6. Al-Quds University, Palestine
7. Russian State Social University, Russia
8. Aleksander Moisiu University Durres, Albania
9. Al Hussein Bin Talal University, Ma'an, Jordan
10. Sathyabama Institute of Science & Technology, India
11. Universum College, Kosovo
12. Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey
13. Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey
14. Bukovinian State Medical University (BSMU), Ukraine
4. Framework study programme.
Pillar I – Executive economics: macro- and micro- perspective
1. Macroeconomics
2. Microeconomics
3. Analysis of supply and demand functions
4. Market structure cost analysis
5. Aggregate production function
6. The role of the goverment policy in the economic environment
Pillar II – Basic managerial issues
1. Managerial economics
2. Management accounting
3. Managerial tools
4. Business decission making
5. Process management
6. Decision-making techniques
Pillar III – Corporate finance and financial management
1. Cost theory and analysis
2. Financial statements for executives
3. Corporate finance and financial performance
4. Cost management models
5. Quantitative analysis for managerial decisions
6. Financial deciosion-making framework
Pillar IV – Legal aspects of managerial decisions
1. Rules of the government taxation
2. Administrative law
3. Anti-trust law
4. Labor law
5. Personal data protection
6. Legal liability of executives
Pillar V – Strategic HR management
1. Management and team management skills
2. Strategic personel management
3. Tools for building and managing a winning team
4. Employee motivation
Pillar VI – Strategic leadership
1. Leadership skills
2. Effective management methods
3. Crisis management
4. Management in the age of pandemics
5. Innovative strategies of planning and implementation at the executive level
Pillar VII – Marketing and networking
1. Marketing management
2. Public Relations
3. Public speaking and business presentations
4. Creating a leader’s personal brand
5. Marketing acts
6. Networking in the Internet as a network of lasting business contacts
The study ends with a test and the defense of a thesis.
5. Learning outcomes.
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Description of the expected learning outcomes: |
Symbol |
in terms of knowledge: |
Reference to the second-degree PRK characteristics |
W_01 |
Has a basic knowledge of the nature of management science and its relationship to other sciences. |
P6S_WG |
W_02 |
Characterizes models of management in Poland and in the world taking into account the diversity of models of business functioning. |
P6S_WG |
W_03 |
Interprets the law correctly. |
P6S_WK |
W_04 |
Presents the economic determinants of professional management activities in a business. |
P6S_WK |
W_05 |
Presents the economic determinants of professional management activities in a business. |
P6S_WG |
W_06 |
Analyzes economic and social conditions in the context of the implementation of its activities. |
P6S_WK |
W_07 |
Presents principles for organizing and supervising the activities of an enterprise. |
P6S_WK |
W_08 |
Knows the principles of ethics law and copyright law. |
P6S_WK |
W_09 |
Characterizes the principles of creation and development of various forms of entrepreneurship in meeting the needs of the economic environment. |
P6S_WK |
in terms of skills: |
U_01 |
Correctly formulates basic concepts in the economic and management sciences and quality. |
P6S_UW |
U_02 |
Solves unusual, complex management problems and forecasts the consequences of planned actions, including under crisis conditions. |
P6S_UW |
U_03 |
Takes part in public speaking, creates a leadership brand. |
P6S_UW |
U_04 |
Communicates using specialized terminology. |
P6S_UK |
U_05 |
Uses theoretical knowledge to describe and analyze management processes in an enterprise. |
U_06 |
Critically evaluates his/her own actions in managing the business, as well as the actions of co-workers and subordinates. |
U_07 |
Independently plans his/her own lifelong learning. |
P6S_UU |
U_08 |
Leads team in a variety of settings, including crisis. |
P6S_UO |
U_09 |
Applies principles of ethical law, collects and processes information under conditions that are not fully predictable while respecting ethical principles. |
P6S_UW |
U_10 |
Participates in debates, evaluates different opinions and positions, and discusses them. |
P6S_UK |
U_11 |
Uses and processes information and conducts marketing campaigns using modern technology and information tools. |
P6S_UW |
in terms of social competence: |
K_01 |
Critically evaluates the knowledge and content received. |
P6S_KK |
K_02 |
Consults with experts when having difficulty solving a problem. |
P6S_KK |
K_03 |
Fulfills social obligations by co-organizing activities to develop the economic and social environment. |
P6S_KO |
K_04 |
Adheres to ethical principles and requires others to do so. |
P6S_KR |
K_05 |
Thinks and acts in an entrepreneurial manner. |
P6S_KO |