Warmest greetings from Daffodil International University (DIU), Dhaka, Bangladesh!
It's our pleasure to invite Honorable President of Powislanski College in Kwidzyn, Poland to join the 18th Asian University Presidents Forum (AUPF) during 22-24 November 2019 hosted by Daffodil International University in Dhaka, Bangladesh in collaboration with Association of Private Universities of Bangladesh (APUB). The Global Entrepreneurship Network (GEN) & World Business Angel Investment Forum (WBAF) are the event partners of 18th AUPF 2019.
This year the forum highlights the theme of "Future of Entrepreneurship Education and Experiential Learning: Determent of Developing Successful Entrepreneurial Eco-System in Asian Economies" with several engaging sub-themes provided for the parallel sessions. Mr. Baybars Altuntas, Hon'ble Chairman, World Business Angels Investment Forum (WBAF) will present the Keynote Speech at the Inauguration Session of the 18th AUPF 2019.
For detailed information of the program, please see the official website of AUPF 2019: http://aupf2019.daffodil.university/ .You can book your interest to participate by completing the online registration: http://aupf2019.daffodil.university/register
Please note that early bird registration is available until September 20, 2019. Feel free to write queries in this email: aupf2019@daffodil.university
We are looking forward to welcoming you and other interested members at 18th AUPF 2019 in DIU, Dhaka, Bangladesh!
On behalf of Dr. Md. Sabur Khan
Founder & Chairman, Board of Trustees
Daffodil International University, Bangladesh